Sending a heartfelt thank you for all the kind words and messages of support that continue to roll in on my facebook page and e-mail. Can I gift you free shipping + 20% of all paintings including commissions between now and June 1st?

"JOURNEYMAN" 50 X 40 available
My Journey man series started during the last two years of my father’s life.
I had the privilege of getting to be with him/take care of him during that time. I don’t start series of works intentionally. They are more of a journey. In this particular painting, the old chief is turning into the sun, looking forward to what is on the other side.

The painting in this living room is a custom painting (commission). The client wanted to share the story of his family, coming to the United States, and how far both he and his wife have come with their careers.
What is your journey?
The following pieces are featured in this season’s Western Home Journal,
and they are available. (free shipping + 20% off of services applies to these paintings). Read the original article and the stories behind these paintings. Subscribe to the Western Home Journal while you're there, it's a beautiful publication featuring relevant and luxury items for your home.

© 2019 Kira Fercho